So maybe it was the lack of light. Or warmth. If I had wanted t live in a place where the temperature dropped to 2 degrees, I would have moved there. Not much writing done this winter and early spring and no real excuses, except sitting on my laurels for the last published book(Nice Reviews, nice check) But now spring is here! It’s warm! There’s daylight! So-no more excuses or asking friends to help me out. It’s time to start seriously blogging and joining on-line groups. Since I talk to or listen to people all day in my job, I often come home grateful that the dogs don’t answer-at least not in words. So I just kind of coast through the media age or lurk around other sites. So, no more “cave-dwelling.” But as in all good goal-etting, one shouldn’t do too much too soon. Besides, I don’t want my techno-savyy friends to keel over from shock. So, whoever drops by, here I am. See you in the blogosphere or on Facebook.

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